On the 15th March all Upper School linguists attended a talk given by Warrant Officer Si Gregson OR (Whitelaw) and …
Shizo Kanakuri: the oldest marathon runner ever
For the majority of the people who do not know about Shizo Kanakuri, he was a Japanese marathon runner who …
A summary of the Beijing winter Olympics
The Games were in turmoil before they even began, as President Biden announced a diplomatic boycott of the games in …
Un articolo e una recensione Il venti gennaio, quindi all’inizio del trimestre, era la sera del film italiano a scuola, …
Festival of Holi
Holi takes place this year on the 18th March. It is a popular annual ancient Hindu festival which is also …
‘Isma, ou ce qui s’appelle rien’ — Esmée Grier
Last weekend a group of French linguists (and very talented actors) headed to London to the King Alfred School to …
New Orleans Mardi Gras and Lundi Gras
La fête du Mardi Gras est célébrée dans toute la Louisiane, y compris la ville de la Nouvelle-Orléans. Les célébrations …
Beijing Olympics: GB women win curling gold
While the excitement of the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo was still fresh in our minds, the Winter Olympics were …
F Block Mardi Gras Event
Here are the photos from the F Block Mardi Gras event on Tuesday 1st March in Griffin House dining room. …
L’élection présidentielle francaise de 2022
L’élection présidentielle française est vraiment importante pour la France et aussi pour le monde. Maintenant, Emmanuel Macron gagnera probablement l’élection …